Discerning Her Shadows: Behind the Scenes

The Journey Begins: Writing Book 1


When I began to conceptualize “Discerning Her Shadows (DHS),” the first book in my fantasy series, I had no idea what I was doing, and yet I am proud of the growth that has come from continuing to write each book. “DHS” holds a special place in my heart as it marks the beginning of Ashlynn Forrest’s epic journey, as well as the beginning of my own into an awakening that spawned the trials and doubt throughout the story. In this blog post, I’ll take you behind the scenes of writing this book, while sharing inspiration, challenges, and triumphs along the way.

Inspiration and Conceptualization:

The idea for “Discerning Her Shadows” came to me in a dream, and it looked drastically different than it does now. First off, Ashlynn was a boy and was named Asher, I believe. I wanted to write a story about dragons that could talk and make them relatable. My dream had this young boy fighting against his father to save those he cared about, while his towering dragon of a dad destroyed anything that got in his way. During this time, my husband was deployed, and I was staying with my parents while parenting 3 young kids ages 3 months-5 years old. I wasn’t sure what was going to come from my story, but what I did know was that I needed something that was mine. I spent everyday parenting my boys, dealing with their struggles around missing their dad and finding ways to express their frustration in a healthy manner, while also not really getting a break to myself.

One night, I sat down and told myself that I would map out the entire storyline, and if I could get all the way through it and still find joy in it, then I would write the damn thing. The moment I started outlining it–and by outlining I mean I would write brief ideas for what the chapter would hold to full on conversations the characters would have–I realized that I couldn’t write about a boy who was stepping into his confidence. I needed to convey my own struggles and growth by channeling my story through a girl. And thus, Ashlynn was born. My goal with the series name being HerStory came from the anger that our stories are marked as HIStory, and for those of us who are female embodied, it feels like we are trying to be erased. At least, that is how I thought as I was writing it. So, HerStory was created from changing HIStory into Ashlynn’s story, which in turn became everyone’s HerStory.

Character Development:

It is interesting hearing readers’ perspectives about who they think I base characters off of, and to be honest, there was only one character who I named after someone in real life. The rest of them come to me as their own beings, in some ways, and I just write what feels right about their character. Creating Ashlynn Forrest was difficult because I constantly had an inner battle about how I wanted her to be perceived. I was worried that my characters would be too close to other author’s characters and that readers would be annoyed by that. However, I quickly learned that nothing is new. So while I am not sure I had an idea as to what I really wanted from Ashlynn, I did know that I wanted her to be a strong yet vulnerable character who readers could root for.

Ashlynn’s journey from a royal outcast to a determined heroine mirrors the struggles many of us face in finding our true selves. She wasn’t meant to be someone who was born with power. I wanted her to really have to fight for her chance at succeeding because so many of of us can’t seem to get past the obstacles to find the joy or growth on the other side. Ashlynn is a lot like that, until she was forced to see the truth that she had been denying for years–that she was stronger than she had ever believed herself to be. Other characters, like Sebastian, Odessa, or King Theodore, were cogs in a wheel that just made her tick. Each character has a unique backstory that pushes Ashlynn to go where she is meant to. The beginning of DHS was more about other characters pushing Ashlynn out of the castle onto her path, which helped her realize that if those around her could see so much beauty and power in her then she was determined to see it herself.


The world of Levander is a place where magick and reality coexist. The name comes from a variation of a small town near Austin, TX, and was special to me due to a losing our dog while my husband was deployed. I wanted to honor our pup, Teddy, by adding a piece of the area to my book as both were huge parts of my life during that time. I am an extremely visual person, so when I drew out the map of Levander and Miras, I followed where my hand and mind went, even if it didn’t make sense at the time. When I asked my illustrator to help, she came up with someone even more beautiful than what I had imagined.

Plot and Structure:

Funnily enough, the name started out as “A Journey in Understanding,” but as upon working with my editor, I realized that the title did not accurately convey what the genre of the book was. However, the rest of the book was kept somewhat the same. Themes of betrayal and anger run deep as Ashlynn is constantly stabbed in the back by those she cares about, while not being able to fully express how she feels about any of it. Manipulation is also a huge theme because it was important for Ashlynn to not see her situation until she was forced to leave it. In the end, she finds a sense of belief in what she can do and feels safe in trusting those around her again. I really wanted the readers to feel her frustration and be in that spiral with her, but then also feel immense pride when she pulls herself out of it again and again.

Writing Process:

Writing this book required discipline and creativity, and that is saying very little about the long nights and intense dedication it took to finish it. Outlining my four books took probably two months, and then once my husband got home from deployment, we went on lockdown for COVID. For me, this was the perfect time to lock myself in my room and write. The whole world was closed, and I was able to use the spcae it gave me to create my dream. In one month, I completed DHS. However, it wasn’t for many months that I actually felt finished. I edited it over and over until I had no idea what was right or wrong. I finally gave it to an editor, and that day changed my life. I will forever preach that having an editing look over your book is the best way to step out of the spiral that is drafting and into the beauty that is editing. My daily routine has changed since then since it has taken me almost four years to write, edit, and publish the rest of the series, but I am thankful for that time because it has allowed me the ability to really plan out these last three books so that they flow like fine wine. I cannot wait for you to find all of the eggs hidden in this series.

Challenges and Triumphs:

The biggest challenge of writing “DHS” was when I tried to get feedback from someone I thought I trusted, and they destroyed it. It is extremely important to have other read your book so that you know if it makes sense or to help you find tune those parts that you can’t get right. However, I let someone who didn’t read fantasy, had never written a book, and who had an overinflated idea of themself stop me from truly believing in my book. I cut thousands of words because I was told it was too long, only due to a word count and not from actually reading the novel. Yet, once I sent it to my editor and had her lift me up with praise and love, I quickly realized that not everyone is your target audience. My biggest triumph in writing “DHS” would be that I found myself in Ashlynn’s story, and then had many readers tell me they did the same, as well.

Reader Feedback and Reception:

I didn’t write this novel for anyone else by myself, and yet It brings me immense joy to hear the love so many have for “DHS” and Ashlynn’s story. I never imagined that others would invest their time and energy into loving my characters like I have, and yet, they have been the biggest push to finish this series as quickly as I can. Which, if I am being honest, hasn’t been as fast as I would like, but I know that writing takes time and the muse can’t be forced.


Writing “Discerning Her Shadows” was a journey of self-discovery and creativity. Through Ashlynn’s story, I learned about the power of perseverance and the importance of believing in oneself. I hope that readers find inspiration and excitement in Ashlynn’s adventures. If you haven’t already, I invite you to dive into the world of Levander and join Ashlynn on her quest.

Thank you for joining me on this behind-the-scenes look at the making of “Discerning Her Shadows.” I look forward to sharing more of Ashlynn’s journey with you in upcoming blog posts and social media content. Also, mark your calendars as the next 8 months are going to be a wild ride as I release the rest of the series that will bring a thrilling conclusion to Ashlynn’s story.

Happy reading!

Tara Webb

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